Jun 13, 2016 | Building Professional, Membership
The Government of Ontario released its five-year Climate Change Action Plan on June 8, leading the province towards a low-carbon economy. The Plan, which is to be funded by the Cap and Trade Program’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account (GGRA), includes the following...
Jan 27, 2016 | Building Professional, Home Owner, Membership
The White House. 10 Downing Street. 24 Sussex Drive. For those outside of Canada, the latter address is the lesser known official residence of the Prime Minister of Canada. Unlike the other two, it is in a state of decrepitude, and now that Prime Minister Justin...
Feb 23, 2009 | Building Professional, Membership
Today, the province of Ontario tabled its first Green Energy Act. The legislation is aimed at building renewable energy, encouraging energy conservation and creating green jobs in Ontario. The Act will invest in a green economy and create an estimated 50,000 jobs over...