Replacing a Furnace?

Replacing a Furnace?

If you’re replacing a furnace, it probably means that you are getting hit for a big cash outlay, and you may be easy prey for anyone offering a time-limited “special”.  The best approach is to realise that this situation offers an opportunity to upgrade the...
The Devil Really Is in the Details

The Devil Really Is in the Details

When you read a Building Code, all major items are well defined – and they quite rightly grab the builder’s and building inspector’s attention. But recent studies have shown that the cumulative effects of the little allowances and exceptions can be very significant....
The Ugly Truth About Insulation

The Ugly Truth About Insulation

If home insulation was a character in a fairy tale, it’d be the plain, hardworking younger sister who never gets the attention her beautiful heart deserves. The flashy, vain and overly-quaffed sisters would get all the looks, but never deliver the selfless value of...