These words, “Net-Zero” and “Net-Zero Ready” have been bandied about for years. Several pilot homes have been built and studied, and articles written. But the concepts have not caught on – why? There are certainly no technical problems left to be solved. The reason is that the Net-Zero “brand” has not been brought to market. So the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) have taken on this challenge, forming a Council charged with all the tasks needed to “make Net-Zero happen”. Here are a few key tasks of this initiative:
- Focus on “off-the-shelf” technology and current building practices.
- Using R-2000 (2014) as a base, but calling for insulation levels to be 33% rather than 25% better than Code.
- Issue a version 1 labelling program by early 2016 – back it up with a marketing plan, an educational platform, and financing advice.
- Partner new builders with “mentors” who have already built a Net-Zero home to avoid using homeowners as guinea-pigs in this program.
More updates will follow.