Île du Prince-Edouard : Aides financières pour l’isolation des bâtiments commercial

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[accordian divider_line= » » class= » » id= » »][toggle title= »Commercial Sector and Institutional Buildings Program for Energy Incentives (CSIPEI) » open= »yes »]

Commercial Sector and Institutional Buildings Program for Energy Incentives (CSIPEI)

Prince Edward Island’s Office of Energy Efficiency is offering the following incentives:

  • Small building
    • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $750
    • Retrofit: $15/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $10,000
  • Medium building
    • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $1,500
    • Retrofit: $10/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $15,000
  • Large building
    • Energy audit: 50% of cost up to a maximum of $2,000
    • Retrofit: $10/gJ saved, up to a maximum of $20,000

Contact:   902-620-3690 | 1-877-734-6336[/toggle][toggle title= »Energy Efficiency Multi Unit Residential Building Grant » open= »no »]

Energy Efficiency Multi Unit Residential Building Grant

Prince Edward Island’s Office of Energy Efficiency is offering building owners 15% of the total cost to add insulation to multi unit residential buildings. 

The requirements are as follows:

  • Above ground walls: at least R-6 is added
  • Below ground walls: at least R-12 is added
  • Basement header: at least R-20 is added
  • Attic: at least R-50
  • Sloped/flat roof: at least R-28
  • Exposed floor: at least R-20 

Contact:   902-620-3690 | 1-877-734-6336[/toggle][/accordian]